
July, 2012

Jul, 04: Dear Customers, the current overload status of the service is being caused by our regular Wednesday maintenance. We'll be back on track within 15 min. max.

June, 2012

Jun, 13: The service is running smoothly again. Thanks for your comprehension!

Jun, 13: Dear customers, we're going through a data base recovery process caused by an internal issue our hosting provider had. We estimate that the service will be stabilized within 20 minutes max. We deeply apologize for the inconveniences this may cause you.

Jun, 12: Our Hosting Provider was facing network connectivity problems during the afternoons. Due to this, the service experienced some flickering (dropped packets) from 4:30PM to 5PM EST.

Jun, 06: We have recovered stability and the service is functioning correctly again. We'll be taking measures to avoid this problems in further occasions as well. Thank you all for your understanding and patience again.

Jun, 06: Our service is still suffering from some connectivity problems that are beyond our control (internal issues with our hosting company); this is now causing connection discrepancies between our system and most of our Human Solvers, resulting in limited service capacity and thus causing rarely high solving times. We're contacting our hosting provider to fix this ASAP.

Jun, 05: The service suffered from some connectivity problems that were of out our reach (internal issues with our hosting company); this caused service unavailability for several minutes. We contacted our hosting provider and they have already sorted out the inconveniences. The service is now back to normal. We really apologize for this... and we sincerely thank you for your patience.

May, 2012

May, 30: We have repaired the connectivity malfunctions and the service is working fine since a while ago. Thanks again for your patience and understanding.

May, 30: We're facing some connectivity issues at the moment that are causing very high rejections rates and rarely high solving times . We're troubleshooting at this moment. We'll get the service back to normalcy as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience.

May, 23: We were experiencing some intermittent technical issues that were causing service instability during this morning (EST). We're working hard on eradicating them. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Status: OK

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